Another Night In Amsterdam | Francie Conway
‘Another Night In Amsterdam’ continues the journey of the critically acclaimed ‘Hidden Gems’ album.
The album features many gems including ‘To The Edge Of Time’, ‘One Night In Amsterdam’, ‘Listen To The Silence’ and many more.
It also features a very special extended mix of ‘Don’t Mess With My Heart’ by David Richards (QUEEN, David Bowie) recorded in the legendary Mountain Studio, Montreux, Switzerland.
Francie & band were booked in February 1984 to play the Paleo Festival, Nyon, Switzerland in July to an estimated audience of 4,000 people. The song ‘To The Edge Of Time’ was released in April the same year and became a huge hit.
An estimated audience of 25,000 people turned up to the gig which was broadcast on Swiss, French and German TV.
The band features John Woolloff, Sebastian Santa-Maria, Don Harris, John Verity, Terry Uttley, Alan Silson and Nick Payne.
Produced by John Woolloff, Chris White and David Richards.
Recorded in -
Switzerland: Aquarius Studio, Geneva and Mountain Studio, Montreux.
England: John Verity Studio, Yorkshire.
Ireland: Tempo Studio,Dublin with Matt Kelleghan.
Mixed by Jean Ristori, Geneva and David Richards, Montreux.
Artwork and design:
John Reddy, Paintbox, Dublin, Ireland.
Mastered by Aidan Foley, Masterlabs, Ireland.
Executive producer: Christian Joller for Jungle
Records, Geneva, Switzerland.
Contact - Satellite Records:
(c) Sunfish Music, London.